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    Care instructions for rings

    To ensure that your gold and silver rings stay beautiful for a long time, here are some care instructions:
    1. Avoid contact with chemical substances such as detergents, perfumes, hairspray or cosmetics as they can damage the silver and gemstones.
    2. Remove your rings before coming into contact with water, especially water containing chlorine. This is especially true for activities like swimming or washing dishes, as the water and chemicals it contains can corrode the surface.
    3. Store your rings in a jewelry box or soft cloth bag to avoid scratches and damage. Avoid mixing them with other jewelry as this may cause friction and scratches.
    4. Clean your rings regularly to prevent tarnishing and discoloration. To do this, use a gentle cleaning agent that is specifically suitable for silver jewelry. Apply the cleaning agent with a soft cloth or brush and rinse thoroughly with clean water. Then dry the rings carefully with a soft cloth.
    5. Avoid wearing your rings during sports or physical activities as they may be damaged by bumps or scratches.
    6. Check the gemstone settings regularly to ensure they are secure. If you notice any loosening or other damage, contact Art of VI VA to have it repaired.
    By following these care instructions, you can ensure that your rings stay bright and beautiful for a long time.